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Payment systems

Národná banka Slovenska according to the Article 45 of the Act on payment services No. 492/2009 and amending and supplementing of certain acts, operates two payment systems:

TARGET-SK – is a new generation payment system operated by Národná banka Slovenska providing central liquidity management services, real-time gross settlement of payments and services for the settlement of ancillary systems and enables cash payments in relation to the settlement of securities trades. It is the only real-time gross settlement payment system (RTGS) in the Slovak Republic. TARGET-SK ​​​​is the name of the Slovak component, which is part of the pan-European TARGET system owned and operated by the central banks of the Eurosystem.

SIPS – is a retail payment system designed for processing client payments. The SIPS payment system is connected to the STEP2 system and processes client SEPA payments for its participants not only in the territory of the Slovak Republic, but also within the entire European Economic Area. The SIPS payment system is an ancillary system of the TARGET payment system, which means that the results of its processing are financially settled on the participants’ accounts held in TARGET.