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Market contact groups

Regular communication with market participants is an essential aspect of Národná banka Slovenska’s activities in the area of payment services and payment systems. NBS understands the importance of a two-way information flow between international groupings and the national market. At the same time, it is crucial to have national-level coordination of activities in this area. NBS has therefore established two National Stakeholder Groups whose purpose is to provide for these activities. Both groups include representatives of the government and public administration as well as representatives of professional organisations and the private sector.

Slovakia’s National Stakeholder Group for Payment Services and Systems (NSG Pay-SK) focuses mainly on activities related to developments in payment services and payment systems.

The National Stakeholder Group for the TARGET2-Securities system (NSG-SK) oversees activities in the area of securities settlement, including collateral management and the flow of information concerning Eurosystem market infrastructure projects.