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List of correspondent banks for commercial payments


Name of bank


AUD Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney RSBKAU2S
CAD Bank of Canada, Ottawa BCANCAW2
CZK Česká národní banka, Praha CNBACZPP
account number mandatory*
GBP Bank of England, London BKENGB2L
CHF Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zurich SNBZCHZZ
JPY Bank of Japan, Tokyo BOJPJPJT
account number mandatory*
NOK Norges Bank, Oslo NBHKNOKK
PLN Narodowy Bank Polski, Warszawa NBPLPLPW
SEK Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm RIKSSESS
USD Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York FRNYUS33**
USD Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York BKTRUS33***

* Please contact National Bank of Slovakia, Payment System Section.
** FX+MM (Foreign Exchange + Money Markets)
*** CP (Commercial Payments)