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Macroeconomic indicators

Residential Property Prices

  1. Methodic questions of monitoring Residential Property Prices are included in the article:
    Monitoring Residential Property Prices in Slovakia.
  2. The data will be updated in following dates.

Macroeconomics predictions of selected banks

  1. Predictions to given period represent forecasts average and spread from 6 selected banks analytics in Slovakia (Slovenska sporitelna, Vseobecna uverova banka, Tatra banka, UniCredit Bank Slovakia, Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, and Postova banka).
  2. The data will be updated monthly, up to 25 day after the reporting month.

For actual period (quarter, month):

To the end of actual year (december):

To the end of next year (december):

Effective Exchange Rate

Nominal and real effective exchange rate indices (based on consumer prices, industrial producers prices, manufacturing prices and unit labour costs) compiled in NBS for slovak economy.

*The data from 2009 are also available in xls format in the Statistical annex of the NBS Monthly Bulletin (Summary table Sheet).

Selected Economic and Monetary Indicators of the Slovak Republic